The Size of the Prize

For organisations ready to develop a more Interactive model of trust relationships and problem-solving, the prize is real and definitely worth winning!

 Ask yourself

  • If you could help your workers increase their output by between 15-100%, at no additional cost, would you take the necessary steps to improve relationships and increase task-readiness?
  • If, through better planning and scheduling systems, your workers could handle more work orders and 80% of all difficult and unusual production and service tasks as though they were routine, would you embrace the changes?
  • If, through rapid know-how transfer learning processes, your workers could increase their knowledge, competencies, problem solving capability, creativity, cognitive and social maturity, would you apply/ implement these programs?
  • If you knew these improvements would result in increased revenues and productivity, would you be committed?

and finally,

  • Do you consider it important that your people build security and enjoyment while performing their work at full capability? 

If you answer yes to these questions, you’re ready to go Interactive.

Our work on developing Interactive workplaces is specifically designed for managers who, in search of competitive advantage, take on the challenge of nurturing involvement in the business behaviour by empowering their direct supervisors and work teams

Such managers / leaders build and maintain relationships of trust with their workers, provide them with satisfying work, encourage their involvement and enrolment and develop this to create workplaces that meet the standard of Interactive.

The prize for this effort can be substantial and can be achieved in a relatively short timeframe.

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